Frank Darabont wrote and directed The Green Mile, a 1999 American magical realism drama film based on Stephen King’s 1996 novel of the same name. It stars Tom Hanks as a death row prison guard who encounters strange phenomena when an intriguing criminal (Michael Clarke Duncan) arrives at his jail during the Great Depression. David Morse, Bonnie Hunt, Doug Hutchison, and James Cromwell appear in supporting roles. The picture opened to good reviews in the United States on December 10, 1999, with critics praising Darabont’s directing and screenplay, emotional weight, and performances (especially for Hanks and Duncan), however its length was criticized.
đź“˝️My reaction to this movieđź“˝️
Despite the fact that this movie was released in 1999, I had never seen it before I discovered it on Netflix. I didn’t know it came from a Stephen King book either. After seeing it, I just learned about this and decided to seek for the movie. That alone astonished me. I wasn’t bored watching the movie, despite the fact that it was about a prison and had a longer solo viewing period than other movies.
Actually, I was worried and depressed because of what happened to the main characters. It has a magical quality, yet this does not lessen its effectiveness. At 188 minutes, this movie is rather long. Much of the experience becomes etched in your memory since the movie takes its time to fully portray the characters and environments. The movie starts out painfully slow, but as you keep watching, you will sense its depth. Once the story starts to be told, the pace and intensity go up quickly as it slowly weaves through the entire twisted, depressing tapestry of prison life on death row.
I have one scene with regards to the character Eduard Delacroix that genuinely plagued me because of its dreadful scenario, but I want to keep it a secret so that those who haven’t seen it yet feel the same way I did since it actually haunted me. I had trouble sleeping that night because of this. I want justice for that person. I felt that the scene with Eduard Delacaroix was one of the movie’s standout moments, despite being disappointed by the ending.
It’s impossible for anyone to watch this movie and not have their life changed for the better. This film made me look inside myself and realize that I still have a lot of room for improvement. Compared to other movies I’ve seen, it spoke to me more directly. So, if you haven’t seen “The Green Mile,” I strongly advise you to do so. Your heartstrings will be pulled multiple times during this movie because it is so much more than that. Its outstanding writing and top-notch performances make this a movie that should touch you. As one of my favorites, I thoroughly loved this flick.
My Overall Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️đź’•(4.5/5)